Why Webflow is preferred by many Developers?

Axle Ditablan
March 18, 2024

The number of developers is increasing when it comes to web development.

You may also wonder where they started and how they do the job well in providing service to their clients.

whether you are planning to become a web developer or if you already have knowledge in making websites and want your project to be even better.

It is good to check Webflow!

So, What exactly is Webflow?

It is a new generation of low-code web design and development tools that promise to free developers/designers from the monotony of traditional web development.

It has tossed coding manuals out the window and ushered in a new era of website creation. With its intuitive hybrid interface and endless design possibilities, it empowers anyone with a creative spark to craft websites that are both visually captivating and functionally robust.

How can you tell if this is the best platform for web development?

You must try and if you’ve made Webflow part of your workflow, chances are that you’d love to see your fellow developers jump on the bandwagon too. And that will be 100% sure.

Because most tools that you need are already there. If you want the best UI/UX construct in all aspects, webflow gonna take care of all of that to make your projects more stunning and stand out everything.

With this topic to make you all convinced and clear for all details, I will give you at least 5 reasons or things why webflow is more efficient in web development than the other platforms that exist in the internet world.

1. It can work with code visually, in a familiar User Interface(UI).

While manual coding can practically see a website come to life from their lines of code, most developers have, well, a harder time with that. Even when they know enough code to be “dangerous.”

Thankfully, Webflow does the translation work for you, so you can work in your wheelhouse: the visual world. You just get components cleanly coded, fully responsive HTML elements onto the canvas, style them using familiar visual tools. So instead of writing a few lines of code, saving, and refreshing your browser, you get instant, visual feedback, so you can work that much better.

This means you don’t have to worry whether you got your CSS syntax right. Or if what you’re trying to do is even possible on the web. Or stare at a code editor all day.

2. In terms of mockups.

If you are still producing static mocks in Photoshop, and then handing them off to your clients for review. It’s time to consider a new workflow.

Producing pixel-perfect static mocks for a variety of screen sizes, dimensions, and orientations eats up tons of time. Clients alike often have a tough time envisioning those static mockups becoming live, dynamic websites. Especially when it comes to interactions.

Now imagine sending your clients not static mockups, not hackily linked screens, but fully functional, live websites. Websites they can play around with on their desktops, tablets, and phones. Websites where they can click a link and watch your brilliant page-switching animation happen. Websites filled not with lorem ipsum, but actual content.

With Webflow, you can do all that. And so much more.

3. Make Responsive Design Easier A Lot!

Remember the last time you mocked up a responsive website? How about that feeling you got when, after days of painstaking ideation and iteration, you realized:

Now I have to do it all over again for the tablet design.

And then, yet again, for smartphone in landscape.

And then, yet again, for smartphone in portrait.

Yeah. No fun, right?

Now, imagine finishing out your desktop design, then clicking a single button to reveal an already-complete reflow of your design for tablet. And smartphone landscape. And smartphone portrait.

And imagine knowing that you weren’t stuck with those reflows. That you could tweak those device-specific designs to highlight different content for smartphone users.

4. It makes a way easier to illustrate your interaction ideas.

Chances are, you’ve had some brilliant interaction and animation ideas in your design career. And that you’ve tried to capture how they’d look and feel by switching Photoshop layers on and off, making videos or GIFs, or even trying to bend Keynote to your will. Maybe you even hacked someone else’s JavaScript to achieve the desired effect.

With Webflow, you can leave those days behind. Build your interactions and animations using the same tool you use for the rest of your web design work — without huge coding, making GIFs, or explaining your vision a lot.

And when you’re ready for feedback on those interactions, your clients can actually experience them. So it’s that much easier for them to see what you’re thinking.

5. CMS lets you design hundreds of pages at once in there.

If you’ve ever designed for a CMS, you know you only have to create 1 design for your blog posts.

But when you’re creating that single blog post design, do you fill it up with lorem ipsum; big, beautiful images; and inspirational blockquotes courtesy of Steve Jobs? Or do you design with real content, straight from the keyboards and smartphones of real users?

If you’ve done the latter, you know how valuable building your sites using real content can be. With real content, you:

  • Build real empathy with your users
  • Identify what types of content they actually create, instead of what you think they create
  • Quickly pick up on edge cases
  • Design for the content, instead of expecting the content to conform to your design
  • Notice opportunities for custom designs — after all, not every blog post has to look the same.

There are many more benefits you can get here in webflow, and that's why designers also love to use it in their projects.

but the only ones we have given are some of the important ones that you need to know.

on this platform, your work will be more comfortable, like will be easier (Time Saver), and your skill will be enhanced to discover new trends that will help in improving your websites.

So Have you decided yet?

You don’t have to think a lot, instead you have to try. Make your imaginations bring to life more easier with webflow.

Will see you in the next topic!